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Okemah, Okla., the birthplace of Woody Guthrie, is a farm town like many in Oklahoma. American flags fly on storefronts and businesses downtown, serve needs more than wants.
There is little to recognize the city as the home of Woody Guthrie. His home has been razed and in it's place is a tree carved by chainsaw that reads "This land is your land"
Woody Guthrie Coalition member Dee Jones stood near the site of the home of Woody Guthrie. Jones and other members of the coalition seek to preserve Guthrie's legacy in Okemah.
Okemah, Okla., the birthplace of Woody Guthrie, is a farm town like many in Oklahoma. American flags fly on storefronts and businesses downtown, serve needs more than wants.
postcard from okemah
For what would have been Woody Guthrie's 100th birthday, I traveled to the town of his birth, Okemah, Okla. to discover the town that shaped the iconic music figure