The University of Missouri made big news this week with the protests on campus and the football team threatening to boycott Saturday's game against BYU. Head Coach Gary Pinkel supported his team and many credit that decision with turning the tide towards the resignation of the school President.
Last week Pinzel also announced he would resign at the end of the season after being diagnosed with Lymphoma. This made Saturday's game pretty newsworthy. I shot the game for the New York Times. I was tasked with finding atmosphere and game features as well as photos of Coach Pinkel.
As the game went on, most of the energy became focused on Pinkel with the crowd chanting his name. Attention had shifed from the controversy on campus toward support for the coach.
After Mizzou won, the players started chanting "GP! GP! GP" and swarmed the coach. I got caught in the melee and was able to make a few images of the swarm at the end.